Chalkface Teaching Resources
As a secondary school Maths teacher, I frequently develop resources for use in the classroom.  These range from worksheets to interactive demonstrations, and include activities and tasks suitable for both home and classroom use.  I'm particularly keen on the use of Excel for developing standalone tools for use by both teachers and students.  I index resources as I create them, and my searchable database is available as an Excel spreadsheet.  This contains links to over 500 teaching resources hosted on my website.  If you prefer, there is an online pdf page which will be easier if you don't want to download the spreadsheet, but doesn't have the same nifty search functionality.  
If you want to report a problem, make a comment, proffer a suggestion or submit a request, please email me:

Excel searchable database Chalkface Teaching Resources
Searchable Excel database of teaching resources
(updated August 2016)
PDF of teaching resources
(updated August 2016)


Most files are in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint or PDF format.  For full functionality, some Excel files require you to enable macros (find out how, and why).  
There are some video files in .WMV or .MPG format.  There are also some dynamic geometry files available, in .GGB format.  These require GeoGebra, which is a free piece of dynamic geometry software that can be downloaded from:
Update: The latest GeoGebra resources I produce are available on their dedicated sharing site (which has many other great resources too): GeoGebraTube

More A-level resources (past papers, model solutions, Not-Formula Books) at A-level Resources
A-Level Resources

If you have found my resources particularly helpful, and feel that you can spare a pound or two, I would be very grateful if you would consider making a small donation towards the costs of hosting the website (ad-free).