Anthony's Excel Stuff

I use Microsoft Excel for loads of things, from trying to keep track of my money to Connect 4.  Here's a few examples of spreadsheets I've made for different purposes.  Feel free to muck about with them, but if you want to republish them (for some reason), please acknowledge my authorship, such as it is.  You will need to enable macros for most of the spreadsheets (see note below).  Large files may have been zipped to squeeze them through the phone line.  To decompress after downloading you'll need Winzip, available free from their site:

Note: most of the spreadsheets I make nowadays are for teaching maths (which, as a maths teacher, is what I do).  If you're interested in the full list of my teaching resources (including PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, etc as well as interactive spreadsheets), see my Teaching Resources pages: Teaching Resources

Since most of these files contain macros, you will probably need to download them to your hard disk (Right-click>Save Target As) and then enable macros in Excel before opening them.  

Why and how should I enable macros?

For those of you who play the guitar, this Chord Transposer may be handy, especially for beginners - it allows you to transpose a bunch of chords all together at the click of a button.  If you do play guitar, you may also be interested in My Music page, where I have uploaded chords for some songs I like.  

I made a trial version of my dad's Spreadsheets4Farmers website.  I assured him it was easy to produce in excel, and made this to prove it.  He decided to have it made professionally :) Website trial

Connect 4
The famous four-in-a-row game in computer format.  Fairly simple to understand the basic programming behind it, but look at the next bit if you want to make your own (recommended).  

How to connect 4
Zipped (622kb), this takes you through, step by step, how to make your own Connect 4 game.  You may spend more time making it than you do playing it, but it'll also be more fun!  Loads of screen shots, hence zipped. 

A neat little game I discovered as a Java applet somewhere, and decided I could do just as well in excel.  A board 5 by 5 square, each square being white.  On a double click, the selected square will change to black, but so will each vertically and horizontally adjacent square.  Try to change all the squares black.  Tricky. 

I made this to illustrate the random nature of a repeated error.  If you have to cut a whole bunch of pieces of wood the same length, but do it by using number 1 to measure number 2, number 2 to measure number 3, etc.  The small error incurred in the first step may be increased or reduced by the uncertainty inherent in the second step, and so on.  This shows a randomly created graph you can re-create by recalculating (F9) to see what could happen to the length of up to a thousand pieces of wood of a given ideal length. 

Memory Cards
Try this out.  If I remember correctly, it produces a set number of cards chosen from a normal pack of 52.  Then you hide them and try to type them out correctly.  It then marks you on how sucessful you've been. 

Dynamic list validation
This is basically to show how you can use a formula in the Data Validation>List source data section to allow the list to change size as you add or remove items.  For instance, you could specify a maximum range of A1:A100, and then if you filled up the first 9 cells, the range would alter (by using the INDIRECT function and some other bits and bobs) to A1:A9.  

This takes a string of text, and removes all the vowels from it.  See if you can still recognise what's being said.  Also has an extra bit that puts all vowels in lower case and all consonants in upper case.  If you want that kind of thing doing to text for a leaflet or something, this is by far the quickest way. 

Letter change
Disgustingly over-engineered, but it does the job.  It wroks on the rntlecey derosceivd inrsitteneg fact that we can slitl usntrdaned a wrod rrgdleesas of the order of its leretts, pioerdvd the fsirt and lsat are in the poeprr pacle.  A superb way of out-manoevring computers and government screening while still keeping text humanly readable!  Someone ought to add the code to email programs.  "Send" or "Send with human-friendly encryption"...

Fibonacci Poetry - If you fancy butchering your favourite poems or slices of prose, copy the text into this, and choose a sequence to use.  It will return a passage which uses only the prime numbered words (ie the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th and so on), or those which occur in the Fibonacci sequence, and so on.  

Numberplate - An invaluable resource for anyone who has ever played the numberplate game (or indeed, across the pond, the 'license plate game').  The object is to find a word in which the three last letters of the vehicle registration appear, in order (although not necessarily concurrently).  This nifty spreadsheet (in Excel 2007 form, I'm afraid - I needed the extra rows) uses the official Scrabble wordlist to find every possible word for a given combination.  

2-letter Word List - The full list of valid two letter words for Scrabble, in an easy-to-use table form.  Includes a type-to-check function, which handily also give you the definition of the word.  If there's one thing more annoying than being able to say "Of course it's a real word", it's having a come-back to the response "Alright, so what does it mean, then?"

Example of an interactive questionnaire using only hyperlinks.  

Produces random one or two digit sums and checks your answers. 

Some statistics on, I think, all the sovereign states of the world.  

Choose function
Allows you to choose what you do to the data from a drop down list.  A bit limited, but has potential. 

Daylight Saving Time
A trial to decide how much time we actually save, and how much we would save with double DST.  

A bunch of useful formulae bunged into a simple interface for solving quadratic and kinematic equations.  

Unit converter
Handy conversions of distance and time.  Of course, GoogleCalculator has since made this somewhat obsolete for those of you with the internet (which, judging by the fact that you're reading this on a website, is probably most of you)

LCD display
Conditional formatting produces an LCD-like number display. 

A digital clock based on the LCD concept above.  

Conditional formatting and a few interesting formulas provide a computerised abacus.  

Os and Xs
Noughts and Crosses.  Does what it says on the tin. 

Quite a cool version of the classic MasterMind.  You play against the computer (though it isn't up to guessing your combinations, I'm afraid...)

Text for number
Gives a written number for a digit, eg three hundred and sixty four point five six for 364.56.  

Random comment
Produces a truly random comment with a simple macro.  

Traffic lights
Random application of macros and conditional formatting. 

BMI calculator - I recently made this as a break from revision - don't set too much store by this number, even assuming I've got the calculations right - it's not a particularly good guide for individual health targets or anything.  

Prime Factorisation - One for the mathematicians, this Excel 2007 creation will find the prime factorisation of two numbers (up to the seemingly random limit of 15,838) and display it in the Venn diagram notation used to identify the highest common factor and lowest common multiple of a pair of numbers.  

Turing Test - My own version of a robot that is designed to pass the Turing test, through sheer cussedness.  The test, for those who don't know, requires an ordinary person to be unable to distinguish between a human holding a conversation via a remote computer link and a robot designed to converse with humans.  My version gets around the difficulty of understanding and answering questions by being frustratingly uncommunicative.  

Poker Hand - Despite the time it took and the huge confusion of formulae behind the scenes, the function performed by this spreadsheet is very simple - you tell it what cards are on the table and in your hand in Texas Hold 'Em, and it will tell you what the best 5-card hand you can make from them is, and indicate for you where it appears on the scale of good hands (also with a handy percentage indicator telling you how high up the rankings of all possible 5-card hands it fits).  

Ozgrid - This website was very useful for me when learning what I could do with Excel, especially the forum
