Modern Art

Peter Sedgley's Looking Glass Suite (May 07)

Peter Sedgley's Circles

This time from the Ramphal Building, the Looking Glass Suite are another prime example of an okay-ish idea done to death.  One coloured circle on a background would be passable (not really art, mind, but not out of place), but three together is just a bit much.  Especially when you discover that they are but a third of the original collection.  

Looking Glass Suite Number Two Looking Glass Suite Number Six Looking Glass Suite Number Eight

The Ramphal is quite quiet at this time of year, so I was at leisure to remove notices and settle down in a nearby seminar room to carry out my dastardly plans:
The Scene of the Crime

Here's the original notice:
Original Notice

And my revised version:
Revised Notice

If you have had the privilege to watch the Maths episode of Look Around You (a quality program, and available on YouTube), you may suspect a bit of plagiarism in my description of a circle.  But if it's good enough to make it into spoof Open University programs on the BBC, it's good enough for Warwick campus.  

It's a pity the Ramphal Building has pieces of art like this, since they detract from the fantastic paint job done to the curving wall of the lecture theatre as seen from the lobby.  At first glance it resembles a star chart, but on closer inspection it is seen to chronicle the songs and albums of the group Deep Purple.  

Unfortunately the circles weren't the only mediocre display clogging up this building.  Go to the next page to read about a neighbouring artwork that was relabelled at the same time.  

Stripes Shapes
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